It is made completely of cedar.

The table top is 36 inches deep and 5 feet long. Plenty of room to set the steaks & spices next to the grill. The top was made using cedar deck boards that have finished dimensions of 5 1/2 inches wide x 1 inch thick
The legs are made of 4x4 cedar posts that are 36 inches tall. The stretchers are 2x4s
The grill is a standard 22 1/2 Weber Kettle Grill. Underneath the table is a frame and spacer bolts holding the grill. Although you can't see it very well, there is an 1 1/2 inch gap around the grill to prevent the cedar from heat & fire
The sub frame holding the grill is strong enough to easily hold the weight of the grill and an 18 pound turkey.

I built a small table under the grill and bought a metal pan to act as an ash catcher. In future versions of this table the ash catcher was hung from the pegs of the grill that used to house the legs and the table is gone.
I have also added medium size hooks on the front and side (not pictured) to hang cooking and grilling utensils.
The unit it self ways about 150 pounds. Enough to withstand Wisconsin's thunderstorms and some pretty heinous wind storms.
I just saw your web site on aol its an incredible web page you have done an excellent article.
Thanks for sharing this useful information with all of us.Keep sharing more in the future.Have a nice time ahead.
Susan Graham
is that the 18" weber or the 22.5"?
I love this log furniture. It is great outdoors. They are simple and easy to make.
This is a 22.5" Weber
This a great project, I will attempt to make this table this summer.
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